Thursday, January 19, 2012

Language Arts and emerging technologies

Thinkfinity: reading and Language arts Winter activities
Some activities for students to explore during the winter months.
One way of staying connected to what other writing teachers are doing is to join the
RealWritingTeachers group. To join, you have to set up a yahoo account. Then you can join the group

Another great teaching site is The Learning Network from The New York Times Learning network.. There are daily and weekly lessons for your literacy class.

You will find a lesson, a word of the day, student opinion polls, historic headlines, and, a test yourself.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Audioboo-Great Podcasting Tool

Audioboo is a great alternative to audacity. It is considered a web 2.0 tool and it is free.
Do you have lessons that you want to podcast (which means to audio tape yourself) ?
Do you want student to show you what they have learned auditoraly?
The following video will take you theough setting up an account and making your own Audioboo.
You can connect your Audioboo to iTunes, a blog, a wiki, or as an RSS feed.
If you have a smart phone there is an app for this.
A great tool and easy to use.