Sunday, October 23, 2011

Google for Educators Resource by Educational Technology Guy

Google for Educators Resource Handout


Why and How to Use Google in Education:
  1. Free (or really cheap for Apps for Education compared to Microsoft) and less IT support needed. Also runs better on older computers. I recommend using Chrome browser too.
  2. Easy to use - students and teachers probably use some of it already
  3. All work together - all the apps work together and have similar menus and functions
  4. Cloud based - backed up on Google’s servers, accessible from any computer and mobile device, runs fast, no lost flash drives or corrupted drives.
  5. If you need to do it, there is probably a Google app for it.
  6. Engage your students with Google+, Google Earth, classroom sites and blogs.
  7. Have your students create new projects with a blog or site, Sketchup, Docs etc.
  8. Keep informed and connected with Google+, Google Reader, and Google News
  9. Search more efficiently with Scholar, Safesearch, and other custom searches.
  10. Get organized with bookmarks, iGoogle, Calendar, Tasks and more.
  11. Connect and Communicate with students, parents, and colleagues using Gmail and Google+.
  12. Google+ Circles make it easy to sort who you share what with
  13. Google+ Hangouts can be used for collaboration or study groups.
  14. Collaborate on projects at same time using Docs (student projects, collaborative lesson plans, meeting notes and projects)
  15. Chromebooks (Chrome OS) are great option for schools - no software or data on device, simple setup, multiple user accounts, automatic update, superfast boot time,
  16. Docs eliminates need for flash drives, emailing versions, software issues (cloud stored, work collaboratively, export variety of formats, share online)
  17. Google Voice - communicate with parents, email of messages, and more
  18. Google Translate - translate work or memo’s for ELL students and parents. Mobile apps will translate spoken word too.
  19. Docs can be used to store any file - free online file storage is a great thing.
  20. There is a huge amount of resources from Google on using their apps in education.
  21. There is a huge amount of resources, tips, ideas, and lessons for using Google’s apps in education from educators.
  22. Use Sketchup to create 3D models for class, of classrooms and schools for remodeling, and more.
  23. Upload, edit and share pictures with Picasa and Piknik
  24. Shorten URLs with and then track the useage of the shortened url.

Google Apps and Resources:

Google for Educators Homepage:

Google Applications List: Every app we talked about is here.

Google for Educators- Resources for using Google in School:

Google Tools to Support Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy

Google A-Z - Literally, all Google resources -

Google Apps for Education - Guide to Going Google:

Google Tools for Schools -

Google Apps for Education from ISTE11:

Google Apps in the Classrooom (from Google):

Google Documents Backup: GDocBackup

Google Docs templates:

10 Ways to Use Google Plus in the Classroom:

100+ Google Tricks for Teachers -

Great Google Resource: Google Tutor:

Google New Products and Annoucements:

Other Free Resources:

Twitter! - connect with other educators - (in addition to Google+)

Evernote - free, note taking, web clips, and organization:

Sugarsync - free (5GB) file sync and backup:

DropBox - free (5GB) file sync and backup:

25 Free Resources from Discovery Education

1. New Teacher Survival Central -

2. Curiosity - explore and learn a variety of topics -

3. Clip Art Gallery - free clip art -

4. Energy Balance 101 - get and keep students healthy -

5. The Road Ahead - energy lessons and resources -

6. Ready Classroom - emergency prep -

7. Web 20.11 - web 2.0 and tech tools for teachers -

8. Seimans Science Day - science activities, lessons, resources -

9. Turfmutt - environmental lessons and resources -

10. Toyota Teen Driver - driver safety and simulation -

11. Discovery Educator Blog Network -

12. Seimens STEM Academy - STEM Resources and lessons -

13. Discovery News - daily news and lesson resources -

14. Discovery School’s Lesson Planner - resources and lesson plan creator -

15. Head Rush - science resources, video clips and show -
16. Science Fair Central - science fair tips and resources -

17. Kathy Schrock’s Guide for Educators - lots of great stuff -

18. Science of Everyday Life -

19. Puzzle Maker - create your own puzzles for class -

20. Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge -

21. Parent Resources -

22. Explore the Blue - lessons about water for all subjects -

23. NASA at 50 - great resources about NASA and science -

24. WebMath - math resources and help -

25. Free Student Resources - homework help and more -

list from the the educational Technology Guy

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

15 Ways to Use Google Search in Class

15 Ways to Use Google Search in Class
Written by Lisa from I love ed tech at simple k12
25 May 2011

Sure... you know about Google Search. But are you using it effectively and creatively in your classroom? I just completed a course called Search with Google inside of the Teacher Learning Community and it gave me some real-life, practical examples of how I might use this in a classroom setting.

Here are 15 ways to use Google Search in your classroom...
(When you're done reading, add what #16+ to the list in comments and register for our FREE Google webinar!)

1. Teach Current Events
Looking for a good way to find current events that deal with topics your students are interested in? Use Google News Search to canvass the Internet for topics on local news, popular sports, and kid-related topics that will spark your students' curiosity.

2. Play a Map Game
Here's a game you can play as an entire class. Divide your students into groups if necessary so that each group has access to a computer. Give each group a list of five historical landmarks around the world, and have them find and print aerial photographs of the landmarks on their list. Judge the winner based on the speed and accuracy with which they found their items.

3. Enhance Your Study of History
Use pictures to make your study of historical characters more exciting and memorable for your students. Use Google Image Search to find images of the people, places, and events you are studying, and incorporate these images into your lessons.

4. Create a Customized iGoogle Home Page
You and your students can work together using iGoogle to create a home page for your classroom computers that presents information pertinent to your students' interests and the topics you are studying. You can also include tips about healthy living, mind-challenging puzzles, and a word-of-the-day to expand your students' vocabularies.

5. Use Gmail Accounts
Create a Gmail account that will help you and your colleagues keep in touch. You can communicate teaching techniques, assignments, and school activities, and you'll be able to read and send e-mail from any computer that has Internet access.

6. Use the Google Apps Calendar
Help your students stay organized by maintaining an online assignment calendar using Google Apps. Your students can plan their homework time more effectively and view assignments that they may have missed when absent from class.

7. Use Picasa to Create a Class Photo Album
Use Google's Picasa application to create a class photo album commemorating a field trip, a project, or just a wonderful year together! Add frames, effects, and comments to your pictures. Publish the album on an internal Web site for the whole school to enjoy, or burn it to a CD as a memento for the children.

8. Use Google Groups to Help Students Around the World to Save Energy
As a class project, have your students create a Google Group on their efforts to save energy in their school and at their homes. Each student can post their ideas to the Group. Invite participation from other classes and other schools. See how wide a network of conserving students you can build!

9. Use Google Translate to Supplement the Study of Different Countries
When studying different countries and cultures, you and your students can use Google Translate to learn common phrases in that country's language. Available languages include Greek, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Arabic, Dutch, and Korean.

10. Use Google Blog Search
Use Google Blog Search to find blogs on starting a school newspaper. Get tips, techniques, and advice that will help you and your students start your own newspaper.

11. Use Google Book Search to Find Books on Cosmology
When your students are studying the structure of the universe, Google Book Search can help them find sources to use in learning more about the subject and preparing reports and presentations. You can structure this as a class project by assigning groups of students to find a source and present it to the rest of the class.

12. Use Google Scholar to Stay Current
You can use Google Scholar to stay abreast of developments in the field of education and in your specific subjects. Find the lastest developments in learning theory, cognitive development, and effective instruction. Learn about all of the latest advancements and discoveries in the sciences.

13. Use Advanced Search in Google
Use Advanced Search features to teach your students about good search practices. Ask English students look for Web sites about the Bronte sisters, for instance. Have them search for "Bronte," then duplicate the search by including or even excluding the authors' first names. Talk about the results and use them as an example of how to get the best results for a search.

14. Search Web Sites in Other Languages
In Spanish class, set your Google search language preferences to Spanish, then ask members of the class to search for current events Web sites, read an article to the class, and perhaps even lead a discussion (in Spanish) about the content of the article.

15. Change SafeSearch Preferences
Although schools are required to protect students from inappropriate Internet content, it doesn't mean that this will be applied at home. Before assigning an Internet search students need to complete at home, help parents by sending or posting the directions for changing Google's SafeSearch filtering to "strict" to help prevent inappropriate sites, language, or images from being displayed in the search results.

What would you add to this list?

SearchingWithGoogleWorkbook250x329PS - Have you registered for SimpleK12's free webinar, "Google Tips & Tools for Your Classroom" yet? All attendees will receive a free copy of SimpleK12's "Searching with Google Workbook".

It's 100% free to register and attend. Don't miss your chance to get your free eBook - register now!

register now button150x47

Monday, May 9, 2011

Free Tools Challenge #21: Online Interviews With Wetoku

Free Tools Challenge #21: Online Interviews With Wetoku

Free Tools Challenge #2: Create A Self Grading Multiple Choice Quiz Using Google Docs

Free Tools Challenge #2: Create A Self Grading Multiple Choice Quiz Using Google Docs

Free Tools Challenge #6: Exploring DoInk – Vector Images and Flash Animations

Free Tools Challenge #6: Exploring DoInk – Vector Images and Flash Animations

Free Tools Challenge #1: Wallwisher – Words That Stick

Free Tools Challenge #1: Wallwisher – Words That Stick

Free Tools Challenge #8: Go Get Glogged with Glogster

Free Tools Challenge #8: Go Get Glogged with Glogster

Free Tools Challenge #10: Word clouds with Wordle

Free Tools Challenge #10: Word clouds with Wordle

Free Tools Challenge #11 – Our world is flat with Skype

Free Tools Challenge #11 – Our world is flat with Skype

Free Tools Challenge #12: Video, music, and visual presentations with Animoto

Free Tools Challenge #12: Video, music, and visual presentations with Animoto

Free Tools Challenge #13: VoiceThreads – Multimedia Slideshows with Video/Audio Comments

Free Tools Challenge #13: VoiceThreads – Multimedia Slideshows with Video/Audio Comments

Free Tools Challenge #15: Organize and Share with Livebinders

Free Tools Challenge #15: Organize and Share with Livebinders

Free Tools Challenge #18: The Powers of Jing

Free Tools Challenge #18: The Powers of Jing

Free Tools Challenge #19: Audacity – Exploring the Power of Voice

Free Tools Challenge #19: Audacity – Exploring the Power of Voice

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Today you received an email about our schools descriptors:
An Authentic Learning Environment;
Where All Students Experience Applied Learning
Where Collaboration is the Rule
Where Technology Makes a Difference
Where Students Make Things Happen

I would like to add the ICT(Information and communication technologies) standards into that mix. How are you incorporating these 21st century skills into your classroom?
Creativity & Innovation: I can generate new ideas, products, or processes, such as:
* expressing myself in digital work;
* exploring systems using models and simulations;
* identifying trends and forecast possibilities.
Communication and Collaboration: I can use digital tools to collaborate and communicate with others locally and globally.
* Tools could include wikis, blogs, email, online surveys, and video conferencing.
Research and Information Fluency: I use digital tools such as:
* search engines, online databases, surveys, RSS feeds to gather, evaluate, and use information effectively.
Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making: I identify problems, create methods of investigation, collect data, and make informed decisions based on my findings.
* Tools could include calculator, survey, spreadsheet, graphing software, flow charts, and concepts maps.
Digital Citizenship: In my work I use tools with appropriate safeguards to:
1. Practice appropriate and legal behavior.
2. Cite the work of others.
3. Support my own learning.
4. Respect the views, information and opinions of others.
Technology Operations and Concepts: I use digital applications effectively and can demonstrate how to name, move, paste, convert files, and folders. I have strategies to effectively troubleshoot problems.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Google Apps webinar series for February

Are you interested in Learning how Google Docs can work for you?
• Communication – Enhance your school's/classroom's dialogue with shared calendars and integrated video chat.
• Collaboration – Google Docs and Google Sites enable students and teachers to share documents online, at any time and from any location.
In Google Docs , you can create word documents, (PowerPoint)presentations, (excel) type documents, forms, and quizzes.
Get Professional Development Credit for watching the webinars.
Learn how to use Google Apps in the classroom with a new bi-weekly webinar series lead by Google Apps for Education Certified Trainers.
Webinars will be held weekly on Tuesdays, 7:30PM ET and will also be recorded and archived.

Future webinar topics for this series include:
- Jan 25: Introduction to Forms in Google Docs -
- Feb 1: Advanced forms in Google Docs -
- Feb 8: Embrace your inner Einstein: Using Google Apps for the Google Science Fair Online -
- Feb 15: Managing Google Docs with your classroom -
- Feb 22: Building a class site with Google Sites -

For more resources, check out the Google Apps for Education Online Training center at View recorded webinars in the Google Apps for Education Resource Center:

Friday, January 14, 2011 has found seven websites that can help inspire your collaborate writing experiences. If you are looking to try something new and on line with your students, you might find one of the recommended websites. If you have used one of the sites before, maybe you could let your fellow teachers know what you thought.

How about ten interactive learning websites that feature fun and games with music.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Google Docs Adds Video Player | News & Opinion |

Google Docs Adds Video Player | News & Opinion |

Websites of Interest for World Language Teachers

Teaching Foreign language k-12 Workshop

Using the Destinos Series for teaching Spanish
Travel the world with lawyer Raquel Rodríguez as she solves a mystery for a dying man. Watch the complete Destinos series, practice your Spanish, and find new resources for learning and teaching Spanish

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

khan Academy

Khan Academy was created so that students around the world would be able to acquire an education even if they could not get to a school. SAl Khan is the inovator of this project he states, "I teach the way that I wish I was taught. The lectures are coming from me, an actual human being who is fascinated by the world around him. The concepts are conveyed as they are understood by me, not as they are written in a textbook developed by an educational bureaucracy. Viewers know that it is the labor of love of one somewhat quirky and determined man who has a passion for learning and teaching. I don't think any corporate or governmental effort--regardless of how much money is thrown at the problem--can reproduce this.

A lot of my own educational experience was spent frustrated with how information was conveyed in textbooks and lectures. There would be connections in the subject matter that standard curricula would ignore despite the fact that they make the content easier to understand, enjoy, and RETAIN. I felt like fascinating and INTUITIVE concepts were almost intentionally being butchered into pages and pages of sleep-inducing text and monotonic, scripted lectures. I saw otherwise intelligent peers memorizing steps and formulas for the next exam without any sense of the intuition or big picture, only to forget everything within a matter of weeks. These videos are my expression of how the concepts should have been expressed in the first place, all while not compromising rigor or comprehensiveness.

Recently, I have been approached by teachers that have students that are not able to get to school because of medical reasons. I think that the Khan Academy video lessons can help students that can not get to classes and might need to practice at home. The website is

Monday, January 3, 2011

Helping Reluctant Readers with

Welcome to 2011. Here is a website for helping your reluctant writers.

Interested in using on line comic makers with your students? Read the following from the author of the website: Adds 100-Plus Free Printables to Help Literacy Students Write, Read and Tell Stories

Posted by: "bill" williamezimmerman

Sun Jan 2, 2011 6:47 pm (PST)

Dear colleague,

As an author of interactive books to help young people find their writers' voices, I often am asked by educators and parents for help in reaching reluctant writers; With this goal in mind, I have added more than 100 free PRINTABLES on my online comic strip site, Now you can print out, at no cost, interactive pages from my comic books to use for writing, reading, drawing and telling stories.

This enhanced MakeBeliefs PRINTABLES feature is the latest addition to the four year-old online educational comics site where educators and students from 180 countries come to build their own comic strips and practice language, writing and reading skills. The new printable pages are taken from my popular Make Beliefs books and drawn by cartoonist Tom Bloom, who illustrated the best-selling Children's Letters to God.

Now, a teacher or parent using the web site will be able to distribute graphic handouts to students in English-as-a-Second Language or literacy programs that ask for written or drawn responses to such imaginative questions as:

.Make believe you possessed a magic flying carpet. Where would your travels take you?

.Make believe you had a net to catch a favorite moment in your life. Which would it be?

.Imagine you could talk to your favorite book character. Who would that be? What would you say?

.Make believe that with the snap of your fingers you could change yourself. How or what would you become?

.Make believe you could create your own set of holidays. What would they celebrate?
For copies of these printables and more go to

The feature also offers comix templates using characters from the web site along with blank talk and thought balloons that students can fill with text to create their own comic strips.

Google and UNESCO selected as one of the world's most innovative web sites fostering literacy and reading --

Users of make comics strips by selecting from 20 fun characters with different moods -- happy, sad, angry, worried -- and write words for blank talk and thought balloons to make characters talk and think. This site is used by educators to teach language, reading and writing skills, and also for students in ESL programs to facilitate self-expression and storytelling, as well as computer literacy. Some educational therapists use the online comics with deaf and autistic people to help them understand concepts and communicate. Parents and children can create stories together, print them to create comic books or email them to friends.

Please share with your colleagues, students, friends or readers of your publications and favorite listserv groups. We need your help -- it takes a community to build and nature a rich educational resource.


Bill Zimmerman
Creator, MakeBeliefsComix, and author, `'Your Life in Comics''