Sunday, October 23, 2011

Google for Educators Resource by Educational Technology Guy

Google for Educators Resource Handout


Why and How to Use Google in Education:
  1. Free (or really cheap for Apps for Education compared to Microsoft) and less IT support needed. Also runs better on older computers. I recommend using Chrome browser too.
  2. Easy to use - students and teachers probably use some of it already
  3. All work together - all the apps work together and have similar menus and functions
  4. Cloud based - backed up on Google’s servers, accessible from any computer and mobile device, runs fast, no lost flash drives or corrupted drives.
  5. If you need to do it, there is probably a Google app for it.
  6. Engage your students with Google+, Google Earth, classroom sites and blogs.
  7. Have your students create new projects with a blog or site, Sketchup, Docs etc.
  8. Keep informed and connected with Google+, Google Reader, and Google News
  9. Search more efficiently with Scholar, Safesearch, and other custom searches.
  10. Get organized with bookmarks, iGoogle, Calendar, Tasks and more.
  11. Connect and Communicate with students, parents, and colleagues using Gmail and Google+.
  12. Google+ Circles make it easy to sort who you share what with
  13. Google+ Hangouts can be used for collaboration or study groups.
  14. Collaborate on projects at same time using Docs (student projects, collaborative lesson plans, meeting notes and projects)
  15. Chromebooks (Chrome OS) are great option for schools - no software or data on device, simple setup, multiple user accounts, automatic update, superfast boot time,
  16. Docs eliminates need for flash drives, emailing versions, software issues (cloud stored, work collaboratively, export variety of formats, share online)
  17. Google Voice - communicate with parents, email of messages, and more
  18. Google Translate - translate work or memo’s for ELL students and parents. Mobile apps will translate spoken word too.
  19. Docs can be used to store any file - free online file storage is a great thing.
  20. There is a huge amount of resources from Google on using their apps in education.
  21. There is a huge amount of resources, tips, ideas, and lessons for using Google’s apps in education from educators.
  22. Use Sketchup to create 3D models for class, of classrooms and schools for remodeling, and more.
  23. Upload, edit and share pictures with Picasa and Piknik
  24. Shorten URLs with and then track the useage of the shortened url.

Google Apps and Resources:

Google for Educators Homepage:

Google Applications List: Every app we talked about is here.

Google for Educators- Resources for using Google in School:

Google Tools to Support Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy

Google A-Z - Literally, all Google resources -

Google Apps for Education - Guide to Going Google:

Google Tools for Schools -

Google Apps for Education from ISTE11:

Google Apps in the Classrooom (from Google):

Google Documents Backup: GDocBackup

Google Docs templates:

10 Ways to Use Google Plus in the Classroom:

100+ Google Tricks for Teachers -

Great Google Resource: Google Tutor:

Google New Products and Annoucements:

Other Free Resources:

Twitter! - connect with other educators - (in addition to Google+)

Evernote - free, note taking, web clips, and organization:

Sugarsync - free (5GB) file sync and backup:

DropBox - free (5GB) file sync and backup:

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